it's been such a long time since I've been able to spend any amount of time on creative pursuits but I'm ready to to get back at it... being away from my work these past two months has left me a tad disconnected from it so rather than try to force it I'm pivoting to something else for now
I've mentioned a few times wanting to work with some wildflowers I collected in the yukon during the summer of 2022 so I'll begin there
today I pulled some small collages I did a while back, chose a couple that really interested me and then began gathering various fabrics that might work well with them... for now I'm working with a two different palettes
not at the point yet for making decisions about an actual layout, more a case wanting to get a sense of the possibilities
the grand plan is to incorporate imagery of the flowers using print, paint and/or stitch, most likely all three - choosing the fabrics and paper for the base gives me a start point for colour
today I played with layouts
this is one way
and yet another version - this time with a flower laid on
next is to pull larger pieces of the fabrics, find papers that could be interesting, play with more layouts and start some sketching - looking at the leaves and petals and seeing what can be done with them, as a whole, but also fragmented
a true representation, or the essence of it?
another option...
and another...
I like this one - the snowy piece on the left is golden fibre paste medium on scrim that I tried to print on but no luck - I got the scattered black marks and that was it
tomorrow I'll get into the drawers and cupboards in search of other fabrics and papers - these are still in the "let's see what the possibilities are" stage and I've yet to settle on a size for the finished pieces though I'm thinking somewhere around 11" x 14" or so
it's really going to depend on what I come up with for the flowers - that more than anything is going to dictate the required size
below is a sampling of some of the varieties of flowers I picked and pressed
lots of interesting shapes in these to work with
tomorrow is the first day in I don't know how long that there isn't anything at all that I have to do so I'll be in the studio for the whole of it
and so the new year begins
Oh, the excitement of a new idea to explore. Your tentative initial layouts already invite the fragility of those flowers to join and be a part of them by printing or by drawing or stitch. So many possibilities! Will you leave the creases in the larger pieces of fabric? Or perhaps follow their lines with a delicate tracery of stitch? I think they are rather beautiful!
I've been MIA on here but popped onto blog yesterday and saw you and wanted to say Happy New Year!
It's going to be a roller coaster year for sure. Hang on tight to what matters.
Be well and healthy.
A full day in the studio is indeed a good start to the year!
so much magic in these images Jillayne and the promise of a beautiful interpretation. I love everything about this post, the richness of the cloth, the texture of the papers, the tiny glimpse of text I see, the fragility of the flowers.......I know you will do these ideas and materials justice
I'm always intrigued by how you combine different textures into one piece. I expect likely showing the possible layouts to us helps you decide where you want to go with it. It's funny how a photograph tends to make things appear clearer than they would be with the naked eye. Will be interested to see how you proceed.
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