Sunday, December 31, 2023


these loose marks are somewhat representative of how things are with me creatively

random,  incomplete... a lot of fits and starts

looking back over the year's blog posts there was a recurring theme - a bit of time available for creative work and then long periods of almost none as other things took precedence

what I have done has been good though

 a lot of discovering, a lot of thinking

I'm ready for some action though

during this in-between time I have gathered a few objects important to me and have had them on my work table for some time now

I've analyzed them in a few ways, thinking about colour and shape, marks etc

then a page of circles using the solid silver napkin ring to draw around
(the circles are all complete, the photo just cut some off and it's too dark with fog to re-take it)

that napkin ring my grandfather's, one single gold nugget centred on it

plain, simple, elegant

today I began filling the circles with marks inspired by the objects

for the next couple of days I'll keep circling back to this; when it's finished I'll do a colour study of a sort

simple exercises that have me looking, thinking, and doing whilst everyday life begins it's slow journey into 2024 and all that it will hold

as this challenging year draws to it's close I'll wish for you what I hope for myself

peace in your soul

for as Max Ehrmann wrote almost 100 years ago:

"and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your life. With all it's sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world"


Christine Barnes said...

I love the feeling of pause and reflection in this post. Arranging a few well chosen objects together connects them to each other as a group but then the circling of each precious thing to contain their details is a wonderful way to focus closely on each one. Everything in this world is unique. Your circles act as a kind of microscope, zooming in, noticing and marvelling at what the eye often glosses over. Here's to entering the new year with curiosity for the things.... and people... around us ... I hope 2024 will bring peace, happiness and a fresh wonderment and respect for our struggling but astonishingly beautiful world.

Rachel said...

I do like what you are doing here. Quiet, meditative, thoughtful (not at all the same thing, when it comes to it, are they?).

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Peace in our souls - that's something we can all strive (and hope) for. For some reason I'm thinking of the circle of life when I see your circles. Not sure I possess enough brain-power at the moment to make sense of that thought but that's okay too.