Saturday, November 5, 2022

cut & paste

scissors and glue stick...

cutting and pasting, layering here and there, looking for connections

the subtle colourations here and there on a piece of painted or printed paper that can be lined up to make it look as if one image truly extended from another... almost like doing a jigsaw puzzle

i do like finding those but i also the connections that are a bit more abrupt - "raw" if you will

this collection of collages has a bit of both i think

doing yet another online workshop but this is one i have waited more than a year for - not a whim, more a very long-burning desire

"visual narratives"
an exploration of print, paint, stitch by sally tyrie, a print artist from the uk

she suggested we begin with reading which i have embraced though i'm doing it alongside some of the exercises and techniques

my book is "the last of light: about twilight"
by peter davidson

i love twilight... always have

some of the photos i'm working with were taken at twilight, most were not, but it's nigh on winter here and i've been busy with a million other things so am working with what i have and will get what i need in the coming days

it's the landscape I'm after, and the light, the last of it - how twilight changes things, smoothing out the colours and textures of the world, and blending them with an artist's touch for the heart to behold

image editing and transfer is about as far as I have got and what follows are a few simple collages made with the detritus of those exercises

"transparent blue, fading into gold" is how john ruskin describes twilight... a simple yet perfect description, with both fading into dim and then finally dark as the light falls

altered images of mountains, plants, shrubs, the wharf, driftwood... drained of colour, cut up, shifted around, ink blots from transfers failed, vellum, paper, silk

obscuring and revealing

it's what twilight does


Christine Barnes said...

Jillayne, these are truly wonderful. I absolutely love them to the point of being excited each time I see them. The subject is close to my heart and the images appeal so much to me… your words blend in beautifully in describing them.

Rachel said...

It's interesting that she suggests reading as the starting point. So many people see it as an end point. I wonder where you will go from here?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I obviously haven't given a whole lot of thought to the colours of twilight ("transparent blue, fading into gold"). Gold?? I never would have guessed that.