Monday, May 30, 2022

the slow go

all things creative are at a bit of a standstill these days

I'm back in Calgary, helping out with the wee ones so there is almost no time at all for anything else

it's not a hardship!

I did work on a bit of collage the other day, using some of my painted papers

torn strips, alternating dark and light, angling things

thinking layers...

ice forms in layers and at the Little Lake that's always a messy affair due to the big fluctuations in temperatures during the winter months

freeze, thaw, freeze and on it goes

I'm pleased with this torn-edge version though my initial plan was sharp-cut edges

they ended up looking awful but when the 3 year old wanted to demonstrate his cutting prowess I gave him a less-than-perfect painting and his safety scissors and let him have at it

the results of that cutting spree are safely tucked away for me to play with next week when I'm back at home - I figure he might just have a knack for this

so the next thing for this is to cut it from the background

today I snatched a few minutes and started sketching branches from my photos

I want to play with some of the common branch patterns I keep seeing, turning and layering them to create some interesting repeats and then add them here

this is me, truly working within "pockets of time"!


Christine Barnes said...

I am reminded here of marble. It has the same smooth overall appearance marked with fissures and lines and textures within the layers. Very beautiful. I have been looking closely at marble this last couple of days. There was an open studio of a local sculptor in Hayfield this weekend who has a couple of stunning marble sculptures and then yesterday G and I were putting out feelers for a new kitchen at a local kitchen shop and they had a marvellous collection of worktop material samples to play with… and there, again, the marble begged to be studied…. And I thought of your winter pieces. You seem to have inadvertently created your own exquisite pieces of winter marble.

I need to practise working in pockets of time.

Rachel said...

You're having a different sort of fun with the little ones!