Saturday, April 15, 2023

time and distance

home now... five days on and it still feels more than a little odd to be here and not there 

wandering in to my studio a few times each day,  slowly unpacking the small box of supplies taken north, trying to familiarise myself with what was being worked on in the months preceding

it's so been so long, november really, since i've worked in this space... picking up where i left off seems rather difficult at the moment so instead i've spent some time flipping through sketchbooks and looking at work from the past year and a half or more

it's been an interesting walk down memory lane... 

a painting of old pilings from the shipyards in whitehorse on a letter from a friend who always uses the most beautiful and interesting papers to write on

wind-downed twigs found on the sidewalks that reminded of letter forms... trees have their own way with words

tissue paper collage 

plaster pushed through a floral stencil onto a painted background

small stitched samples... fragments chosen for texture and line

a preliminary sketch for a wedding card for our daughter

designing, making and using my own stamps for block-printing

painted snowy mountains

inking up pressed leaves and flowers and using them as stamps

collage... this is the piece that made me realise how much i love black

and this one from last September that looks surprisingly like something from my last post

through time and distance, the things that interested me then interest me still 

  now to decide whether to begin something new or continue with something from before... just these few photographs have given me ideas to work with in either vein

there's a hopeful fresh feeling in the air... and it's not just spring


Christine Barnes said...

What a beautiful and mindful way to settle yourself gently into what is, in essence, a new beginning... a continuation really after a glorious interlude... a returning to base.. home.... but still a beginning. Your photos are all familiar to me and I love that I have known you throughout all of these explorations and am able to share the memories. A pause to evaluate, a little reverie, a moment of stillness to let past work inform and new thoughts to gather, patience... the way forward will emerge and what excitement it will hold. I hope that this post will stay with me for a while and remind me to move equally gently into my new studio and not rush things... a new beginning for me too. Thank you.

Rachel said...

Oh, yes, it can be so hard to rediscover the rhythm of work when you've been away for a while! Good luck!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

What fun to be reminded of some of the pieces you were working on before your time away. It must feel as though everything is brand new. I normally prefer working with jewel tones and haven't really explored what I've come to think of as 'Jillayne's Color Palette'. Who knows, maybe one day I'll have a go!