Monday, July 4, 2022


long, long days... light until well after midnight and even then dusky is as dark as it gets

with record snowfall the past two winters and more rain than usual, the Yukon is as green as green can be

my friend's property typically has a forest floor of brown earth, decayed leaves and pine needles but not this year... this year it's a carpet of green dotted with periwinkle-coloured lupins

they've always grown here but not in such a vast array as you see this year

a few days at Marsh lake, taking in the sights and sounds of the sandy beach, the water and most of all the trees

Yukon trees, by and large, are skinny and misshapen and the lake area did not disappoint

a drive to Carcross is never complete without a stop-off at the Emerald lake lookout

and the other day I found that here in the Yukon we have our very own Bluebell Wood!

I first walked through without my camera,  frustrated that I hadn't brought it, then grateful

rather than focusing on the perfect angle, I looked at the whole of it, taking in the wonder of it

back again today but only briefly so I captured a few quick photos... tomorrow I hope to go back and go deeper into the forest and try to capture a little of the beauty I saw there - a rough tangle of undergrowth punctuated here and there with little clumps of bluebells, here, there and everywhere

I've done a few on location sketches and picked flowers for pressing... tomorrow I am staying put and working on more sketches and some watercolour painting

I'm interested in capturing local colour, the vast array of greens along with the colours of the wildflowers that pop up in ever greater numbers each day

time to take my inspiration to paper


Christine Barnes said...

Stunning photos. I totally get why you have such an affinity with this place and why returning to it always brings you so much joy…. It is beautiful! That emerald lake! I love the shape of those trees… like linework against the sky. And the little lupins fascinate me. I didn’t know there was a wild variety of lupin. The are so dainty! A mini version of the ones in my garden.

Createology said...

How grateful for snow and rainfall. Emerald Lake is aptly named by its color. Love your photos of the flora. Enjoying your vacation.

Rachel said...

How lovely to see the lupins, as well! Wonderful greens and blues, and the light filtering through. An absolute delight!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such a beautiful landscape to draw inspiration from. There's something so majestic about those trees against the mountain backdrop. Yes, the trees are somewhat misshapen but they are a testament to the lives they've lived and their endurance. Can't wait to see what you create!

Karen said...

it looks so beautiful here and that lake! wow...