Saturday, June 11, 2022


 odd how once you start thinking seriously on a subject it begins to invade your thoughts and actions on multiple levels

"simplicity" is pretty much all I think about right now

 and all I want really, especially in the studio

although it's chockablock full of supplies, it's also home to more than a few "decorative" pieces and the clutter has been bothering me a lot lately

Thursday I began pulling all of that out there and things began to improve visually almost immediately and I rediscovered the beauty of space

one area that had been nagging at me for a while was a printer's tray I had re-purposed as a bulletin board of sorts

it was full of layers of photos, postcards, greeting cards, trinkets, bookmarks

 things on things on things

visual clutter of the worst kind

I spent ten minutes stripping it clean and then had a think about what to put back when I realized I wanted that board to be full of things to inspire me - visual reminders of what I like to work with 

favourite fabrics, colours, inspiring work by others... things that make me want to make

slowly I have been rooting them out - not done yet but the "bones" are there and I'm pleased

below is a postcard of Helen Terry's work along with some fabric and paper scraps I like, and a quote by Goethe

"things which matter most must never be at the mercy of those that matter least"

a couple of photos I took along with a floral image I printed from Pinterest, original source not provided

I'm keen to do some work with pressed flowers I've collected so have attached a couple to fabric collage

also a thread wrap, scrap of painted paper, ink-printed linen, a torn ink drawing from a few years ago and a few other random bits and pieces

below right - another unsourced Pinterest image with another Helen Terry postcard below and more fabric scraps

I haven't any words on here yet other than the quote but they are next 

as well as a drawing or two I think 

I'm not in a rush to finish and know that over time things will come down and others take their place as my interests change and work develops 

for now it's a starting point, a laying of the groundwork... a visual reminder of what I like and what I'd like to work with

and just in doing this I have already discovered something exciting - the fabric swatches joined together in this haphazard manner are exciting to me and tomorrow I'll be snipping and pinning away...


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I once bought into the trend of having an inspiration board and created one. Two or three years later I found myself looking at it and wondering what on earth possessed me because it hadn't changed from the time I first created it. One of those 'can't see the forest for the trees' moments and I took it down. I think I'm happier to let myself be inspired by the piece I'm currently working on along with jotting notes in a book (I hesitate to call it a sketchbook because I can't draw to save my soul). All that to say that I so much agree with the quote from Goethe.

Christine Barnes said...

Oh I do like an inspiration board. I have a small cork pin board hanging on the wall at the moment but, hopefully, when I move my studio up to the attic I’m going to have an otherwise redundant wall (because it is next to the door so can’t put furniture there) covered in cork or other suitable pin receiving surface. A whole wall, albeit a small one.. dream come true…. Probably high maintenance though lol! Will tell you more when I write to you after I get back from the Lakes next week (one more sleep before we go). Meanwhile I can look at your board … loads of eye candy in there already. Brilliant Idea to use the printers tray… and I have made a note to self that you probably have enough book marks now lol!

Lynn Holland said...

We are so alike in how we think. I love an inspiration board and to see things pinned on my cork wall is a joy

Rachel said...

Good to hear you are excited about future work. That's such a lovely feeling.

Createology said...

I tend to clutter my spaces with too much just because I love seeing my treasures and I am such a sentimental saver of everything gifted to me. However I also love to see a calm free space to inspire me. So I have been putting things away and only bring out a vignette when I feel like it. My inspiration comes from everywhere. Blessings Dear.