Saturday, July 15, 2023

the time it takes

this post could easily be titled "round and round and round we go"

it all went like this:

several weeks ago a plan was hatched for a project to do 100 small collages in a couple of days but before commencing on the collages a sketchbook was needed to mount them in as soon as they were finished

not having one in the "perfect" size, a second plan was hatched to make said sketchbook

paper was purchased, cut and folded, spacers made and inserted where required, cover boards cut, cover papers selected, all ready to go and then...

a decision to make a coptic binding rather than a case binding led to a few self-doubts... i've never tried my hand at a coptic binding

being rather attached to the papers etc. chosen for the "perfect-sized" sketchbook, and not wanting to discover a coptic binding would not be the best choice after the fact, yet another plan was hatched to make a trial version in a smaller size

first a little research on how to make a coptic-bound book and then more paper cut and folded, more cover boards cut, new cover papers selected and so on

the paper has been glued to the covers and they have been pressing under weights for a few days now

next up is to poke the holes in the covers and signatures and the trial version will be ready to stitch together

the paper chosen for the cover of the trial version was one i had wanted to use on the "perfect-sized" sketchbook but didn't have a large enough piece

it reminds me of the evening sky at twilight

the first one you see is going to be the front cover... the large black mark in the centre-left makes me think of a mountain and just above and to the left is a crescent moon shape... the gold accents are metallic, the soft pink and general busyness of the paper makes me think of the milky way

and here, the back cover

a lot more pink on this one but still a beautiful sky

as soon as the paper cutting and folding began a settled happy feeling came over me... i do love to make books

this morning, as i was taking a few minutes to check on the boards to see if they're ready for the book to be put together i saw this collage of paper, scrim and silk cloth... it's a favourite that's been hanging on an inspiration board in front of my writing table for quite a while now, and wondered... what kind of cover would it make for a book?



Christine Barnes said...

I love that paper. Is it the minéraux paper from Shepherds? I have some of that too as you know. I used it to make a cover for a Chinese thread book which I use frequently. It is a perfect choice and it’s markings can convey so many images. Can’t wait to see the finished book. As for the wispy collage… perfect cover for a wispy book to contain wispy fragments I’d say :)

Rachel said...

This is called "Project Creep", and my goodness, it is such a familiar situation!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

In my household we call it the 'Galloping Ick' (the one-thing-leads-to-another syndrome). Now I must admit to a huge amount of curiosity to see how you would use the piece (last picture) as a book cover.