It seems everywhere, quilts are talking.
Words are being incorporated either in the fabric designs, or in the quilt pattern itself: words of family, words of joy, French words, baby talk, and on and on it goes....
I was thinking it would be fun to come up with my own wordy quilt, and I tried to think of a word I would like to immortalize in fabric.... "Family", "Love", "Simplicity", "Joy"...all great words that I have seen on quilts lately but not for me. Well, not that I don't "get" them, they just weren't me.
But I think this one is...
This will be a fun little wall-hanging for the holidays - plain and simple.
And to satisfy everyone's taste, I'm making another version in bright and cheery red, green, blue and gold Christmas fabrics
this brown/taupe version says "me" better
and yes, the fabric in the "e" is upside down.... whoopsidoodle!
Whimsicals has a book out called "If Quilts Could Talk" and some of the letters above came from Teri's designs but not all ('cause Jingle's my word). To fill in the gaps, I turned once again to my dear daughter, who although she believes she isn't crafty, can do lettering like nobody's business.
I'll do a nice dark brown blanket stitch around the letters and then figure out something interesting for the border.

I can just hear those bells a-ring-jing-jingling now...