Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Josie's Turn

A few months back I did a post "Bozzy Gets A Brand New Bed", where I showed a photo of his new suitcase with a soft cushion just right for a kitty cat to sink into. (He had decreed his old suitcase too small so I had found a new one at the local antique shop.)
He took to it like a duck to water, but only when I was in my Sewing Room.

One day Josie found it (she's our cat with ears; Boz is without) and as she is the queen of sleeping cats, made herself right at home. She didn't even care if I was in the room - you would find her in the suitcase at all times of the day or night. And Boz didn't seem to mind - at first. 
But then he did.
So I got out the old little one...

And now Josie has her very own highly portable cat bed.

Trouble is, I don't have room on the floor of my sewing room for two!
I suspect location will be the next issue...