Saturday evening and a good but busy week is behind me
no time to take any of the painted cloth further as I was settling in to a new, fairly long-term project so I thought I'd post some pictures from my most recent foray into print-making
I did these about ten days ago... using an Akua 5" x 7" printing plate along with Akua black ink
I find the "subtractive" process enjoyable although I didn't get some lines nearly clean enough so there is definitely a bit of a blur to this one
mountains, water and foreshore
I'm very pleased with the ridge-line on the closest mountain as well as it's shoreline, but missed the shore on the mid-ground one - we could say there was a landslide that ran straight into the lake obliterating the shoreline...
a close-up of the foreshore shows a few logs piled up along with other sticks and grasses
also pleased with this area though I admit the wood pile was meant to be a rock pile
I'll take the wood though as it's far more typical of Yukon lakeshores
this last edit has a shortened sky and I used a "Noir" filter - I think it makes for a slightly cleaner image
I also like the smaller sky area, it seems to reduce the static in the image
print-making is a messy business but a rewarding one and with so many techniques to try I'll be back at it soon, now that this week's busyness has settled down a bit
so what kept me busy all week?
I was writing poems, Haiku to be exact!
more about that next week...