Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Tale of Two Kitties

This post could also be entitled
"He Always Gets What He Wants"....

Bozzy rules the roost at our house
he's the Big Kahuna

it's been that way from the beginning... likely because he was such a pathetic little mess when we adopted him - ears frozen and ready to fall off, ditto for the end of his tail
wheezing and grunting from frozen lungs
he's been molly-coddled back to health and then some...

he and Mistress Josy-phine have a special relationship
he always gets what he wants
she can have a little hissy fit if she likes

Bozzy has learned Josie always finds the best spots for perching
and watching the world go by

so he knows that when she's conspicuously absent, it must be because she is in a better place

case in point...

surveying the situation

mapping the route: north face, no ropes


 and... done!

He'll sit there for a while, checking things out, until he's sure everyone who's anyone knows that he's The Boss and then he'll saunter off, in search of a person...

that's the natural order of things

I've gone back to the natural order of things too...

when I first started quilting I made doll quilts

little quilts in different patterns, learning about colour and cloth and pattern and design
some hand-pieced and hand quilted, others by machine
all teaching me something
I saved all the snippets and scraps in baggies, one for each one that I made and they are still that way, tucked away safely in a box and in my mind

Laura was little then and always going to birthday parties
 the doll quilts were perfect little birthday presents - they were chameleons; a doll quilt if appropriate, a place mat if not
Laura always chose which one to give

this week I made another one 
machine pieced, but I'm hand quilting it
silk batting
a dream to needle - I'll never use anything else for hand-quilting again

 and my brand new bunny scissors from The Raspberry Rabbits

Shell said in a recent post she contributes $ from purchases to a shelter for bunnies so I ordered these 
and are they a dream!
cute and sharp, made in Europe and beautifully pointy
I love lovely tools


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh my gosh Bozzy is so darn funny! I'm glad you captured that "take over." hee,hee,hee
Glad you love your bunny scissors. The bunnies love you for helping. :)


Marj Talbot said...

Oh my how we spoil out pets. And then we can wonder why they are so bad at times. Our little molly certainly rules this household.
We are paid back by all the love and laughs that she gives us from time to time.
Those little scissors are so cute - one should have a pair in each kit - embroidery, quilting applique, other hand stitching, along with those pretty little hand made needle books.

Mosaic Magpie said...

I can see why Bossy wanted that spot, look at the beautiful view you have. Those mountains in the background must be a constant source of inspiration.
The little doll quilt is such a great place for those snippets. I know the little girls your daughter gifted those quilts to, still have them today. Glad to hear the eagle has landed.

KW said...

Boz is awesome, gotta have a little admiration for those that know what they want and go and get it!
Those scissors look amazing, and I love your idea of the doll quilts. The size is perfect for practicing things......note to self!!!!!!
6 weeks............

Tanya said...

The idea of doll quilts was fabulous for learning, clever girl - two birds with one stone - love that.

Bozzy is SO great! I have a tiny dog that acts much the same, but defers to the big dog when it all comes down to it...Josie might just get stubborn one of these days!

Dorthe said...

Love your two friends and their sweet behavior to each other :-) ...Let the male think he is the king! I was there first !!
And dear Jillayne, the quilt is so beautiful in the most lovely colours-such a very wonderful gift for little girls, and adults,too!
The scissors is a "jewel" to use and to look at-I so love it too.
Are you off tomorrow,dear? Or do you go to work ,also saturdayes?
Well I wish you a happy week-end Jillayne.
Hugs from Dorthe

teri said...

You've captured the catscapades perfectly.

Createology said...

Bozzy and Josy-phine look like they could be brother and sister. Too funny how you captured the perfect photos to tell the tale. Your bunny scissors are beautiful as is the newest quilt. I do not know silk batting but it sounds dreamy. Weekend Bliss Dear...

Becky Shander said...

Wow, your kitties have quite the view! And thanks for sharing your scissors source...they're indeed very beautiful and special.

Suztats said...

Love the kitty capers!
Your scissors look so cute.
I haven't heard of silk batting, but it does sound soft.

Anonymous said...

I have to chuckle at cat hierarchy. LOL!

Have never tried silk batting. time!

XO Diane

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten all about those little doll quilts 'til now! I know two little girls down south that would probably love some of their own!

Do you think Bozz knows how ridiculous he is? He has to. Next time you have to try to capture it on video and upload it :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jillayne,

Your kitties are so adorable and it is interesting how the hierarchy of our pets work.
The quilts are so pretty and would make the perfect gift for a little girls birthday gift.
Also love the bunny scissors.

Happy new week

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Hi Jillayne,

Just stopped over and how funny you talk about your kitty take over...I just talked about mine as well. But mine always end up the same way...they box it out (as I call it) but still end up twirled up in a tight ball together, after the fur has flown.

Love the view!!

And the quilt - I admire it and those who can make them. Lots of work and talent!

Big hugs
Elizabeth :-)